Mon–Thu: 7am – 5:30pm
Fri, Sat & Sun: Closed
Staff Directory
The Administration Department consists of the Managing Director and an Administrative Assistant. The responsibilities of the Administration Department include the general management of the day to day operation of the Road Commission, all safety programs, risk management and loss prevention and control activities, system-wide transportation planning and information and data systems planning and development.
Randall Dellaposta
Managing Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 270
Fax # - 810-767-5373Eric Johnston
Deputy Managing Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 230
Fax # - 810-767-0799Kylie Dontje
Communications Coordinator
810-767-4920 Ext. 232Felicia Ivey
Safety Coordinator
810-767-4920 Ext. 238
Engineering, Construction, Design & Traffic
Ext. 292
The Engineering Department is responsible for the design and construction engineering of all County roads and bridge projects on the County Road system, and they assist other Divisions in providing engineering expertise and assistance. All roads within the city or village limits are not part of the County Road system. The Division is also responsible for department-wide contract administration, soil erosion control, right-of-way acquisition, subdivision control, and the County Road Map.
In the area of Project Development, this division is responsible for evaluating the needs of the County road system and identifying major improvement priorities. In addition, Staff works in cooperation with other units of government to coordinate transportation planning activities and seeks out grant funding for major improvement projects.
The responsibilities of the Traffic Engineering and Permits Department include traffic controls. Traffic controls include signing, signals, and pavement markings. The Department also investigates unauthorized activities and encroachments in the right-of-way.
Alex Patsy
Engineering Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 252
Fax # - 810-767-6570Gerrad Godley, P.E.
Construction Department Manager
810-767-4920 Ext. 236Todd Bigler, P.E.
Design Department Manager
810-767-4920 Ext. 241Sue Charnesky, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager
810-767-4920 Ext. 299Don Bright
Sign Shop Lead Supervisor
810-767-4920 Ext. 301
Fax # - 810-767-3634
Hours of Operation
Maintenance Department
Ext. 288
The Genesee County Road Commission is responsible for the maintenance of County primary roads, local roads, and the State Trunklines. Primary roads such as Bristol Road, Linden Road, Mt. Morris Road and Irish Rd., are shown in red on the County map. The type of work performed is very similar to those performed for the Michigan Department of Transportation on the State trunklines.
Reconstruction, overlay, and bridge replacement projects are handled by the Road Commission Engineering Department, normally by contract with private companies although the Maintenance Department may do preservation projects such as asphalt overlay, chip seal, crack seal, gravel resurfacing, or ditching.. The local road system is shown in green on the County map. The Road Commission and the Townships have worked cooperatively over the years to upgrade the gravel roads on the local system. In order to have a balanced workload between winter and summer, the Road
Commission performs local road construction to prepare the roads for contract paving. The Genesee County Road Commission Maintenance Department is also responsible for maintaining all State highways in Genesee County under a contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation. These roads are shown in red on the County map. Examples of these roads include I-475, I-69, US-23, M-57, M-47, and M-15. Types of work performed include plowing snow, patching holes, mowing the roadside, ditch cleanout, sweeping, guardrail repair, and some joint repair on concrete pavement.
Fleet Maintenance & Facilities - Stock Room
Ext. 260
It is the mission of the Fleet Maintenance & Facilities Department to provide well maintained and dependable vehicles, equipment, and facilities. Our goal is to work in partnership with our customers and employees in providing high quality products and services in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The Department responsible for the acquisition, resale, and the MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations) cost associated with all vehicles, equipment, and facilities. Through strategic planning our key objective is to control and reduce vehicle operating costs through a life-cycle replacement plan. By reducing the risk of breakdowns, we can avoid the costs of vehicle recovery, emergency repairs or unnecessary parts replacements. A regular preventative maintenance program provides limited vehicle or equipment downtime throughout the fleet and contributes to vehicles’ fuel efficiency, helping to reduce fleet fuel costs. The Department is also responsible for maintaining, operating, improving and constructing grounds, facilities, and infrastructure throughout the six Road Commission facilities.
Kendra Love-Brezzell
Fleet Maintenance & Facilities Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 257
Finance Department
Ext. 225
The mission of the Finance Department is to provide its customers with excellent financial services and valuable information. The Finance Department responsibilities include all day-to-day financial transactions of the Road Commission including budgeting, accounting, data processing, and financial reporting.
Tracy Khan
Finance Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 227
Fax # - 810-767-8020
Tracy White
Finance Coordinator
810-767-4920 Ext. 228
Stephanie Jaeger
Purchasing Administrator
810-767-4920 Ext. 271
Human Resources Department
Ext. 253
The Department is responsible for employee relations, training, recruiting, benefit administration, worker's compensation and organization improvement.
Donna Poplar
Human Resources Director
810-767-4920 Ext. 253
Fax # - 810-767-0774Monica Pearson
HR Coordinator
810-767-4920 Ext. 251Sonia Breed
HR Coordinator
810-767-4920 Ext. 222