Mon–Thu: 7am – 5:30pm
Fri, Sat & Sun: Closed

(810) 767-4920
211 West Oakley St.
Flint, Michigan 48503-3995

Board Meeting

Upcoming Meetings
04.15.2025 10:00 am


Unless otherwise noted, board meetings are held at 10 a.m. in the Board Room of the Genesee County Road Commission Administrative Offices Building, 211 W. Oakley St., Flint, MI. To confirm the date and time of the next meeting, call 810-767-4920 ext. 243 or 221 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Minutes for all board meetings are available for the public online at, at the Genesee County Road Commission Administrative Offices Building, or at the Office of the Genesee County Clerk, 2nd Floor, Genesee County Courthouse, Flint, MI. The Managing Director and the Chairperson have the authority to change a regularly scheduled meeting, change the location of the meeting, or schedule special meetings of the Board of County Road Commissioners as necessary with appropriate legal notice.